Sunday 23 February 2014

Man With A Plan

I'm pleased to report the Artistic Director arrived on Friday bearing another set of his exquisitely drawn plans for the houses at Oberon Wood as promised.

I had anticipated he would have drawn the full row of properties which back onto the railway line as it runs in the cutting between the station throat and Goat Tunnel but it turns out he has only managed two, for numbers 24 and 25.

I had not realised just how complex the design of these houses is with bits jutting out here and here, overlapping and overhanging sections and a change in level from the back to the front too.

So it has undoubtedly taken a lot of time to get it all worked out from the photographs we have taken over the years and get it down on paper.

I shall get cracking with these as soon as I can.

P.S. The more observant may have noticed that this property is currently for sale if anyone fancies having NG/G16's running behind their back garden??

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